Air freight Forwarding

Air freight Forwarding
Reduce the cost of transporting your urgent or time critical cargo with our Air Freight Forwarding solutions .

Air Fright Services

Service by Air has been providing time-definite domestic  air freight services to satisfied customers since 2011. Our internal expertise and relationships with all major air carriers is unparalleled in the marketplace. We have no size, weight, or schedule limitations and can offer flexible options to and from all locations throughout the globe.

Our knowledge and strong partner relationships allow us to offer customers reliable, flexible, and cost-effective air-freight shipping solutions, whether your needs are for domestic air cargo transport services.

  • Best contractual rates from major airlines & shipping carrier – Charter Operation
  • Faster transit time
  • Specialized in Chartering project cargo vessel.
  • Certified Personnel for handling DGR shipments /HAZ & Refer cargo
  • DDU/DDP Shipments in/out of India
  • Buyers Console
  • Effective reporting systems


Domestic Air Freight:

We understand the urgency of domestic air freight services, and we are dedicated to delivering freight on time to meet the needs of our diverse customer base.

Our expertise in domestic air freight services dates to our founding in 2011. We have strong partner relationships with all major carriers, giving us very competitive rates and top-notch service for our freight

When you should choose Air Freight

There are many reasons for you to choose Air Freight.

The big product launch

Air Freight can offer qualities as control, guaranteed space, visibility and security, all of which is important to give your product the best start on the market.

The production line goes down

If you are in dire need of a crucial part to keep a production line moving, Air Freight will ensure, that you will not miss out on revenue due to a delayed production.

Other freight solutions fail

Air Freight can be a mitigation on lost transit time, making sure your cargo is delivered on time after all.

High value cargo

By choosing our Air Freight service, we offer you less risk for damage, better end to end visibility and control plus faster speed to market, when shipping technology, top end luxury goods or other high value cargo.

Charter services

When your most urgent or large shipments require the exclusive use of an entire aircraft, our fastest possible solution of Air Charter is ready to assist you.